Welcome to the P811M High School Site!

This website is brought to you by the students in the Marketing and Communications class in at the P811M @ 499 high school site. Stay tuned for updates from our work-based learning classes!

D75 STEM Fair

Article by John Roberts, Class V40

On Wednesday, March 20th, Class V40 of 811@499 went to the D75 STEM Fair at The Museum of Natural History. Our Experiment was about making circuits out of fruit like lemons, limes, grapefruit, bananas and apples. "I loved showing other people how to do our experiment," said V40 student Guadalupe Rosario Uraga. We also walked around the science fair and saw some cool experiments! Ms. Rips, Ms. Sarah, and Ms. Bridget helped us to present our experiment to other schools! "My favorite part of the Science Fair was that our students worked together to learn new things," said our Science Teacher Ms. Rips. We had so much fun at the science fair and thanks to the STEM fair for making this trip possible!

Welcome Home!

In the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) class, students learn independent living skills like cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry. This classroom was converted into a studio apartment to give students real-life, hands-on learning opportunities. Check out the apartment listing students created to showcase their space!

We hit the ground running this year with field trips, community walks, and hands-on job experience. Students have been busy with vocational tasks like shopping at Costco for the snack cart service, delivering supplies to the P811M @ 028 site, and learning website maintenance. 

@M499 (FDA-High School Site)

2589 7th Avenue Room 378, New York, NY 10039

James Kijowski, Assistant Principal

  917-507-3315 (phone)